Alex LifeBlade- The Terrific Theurgist

Alex LifeBlade- The Terrific Theurgist
I'M the one who edited this together, so that's why it's kind of, well, not exactly the BEST editing..

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ok, so recently I was on my balance character doing quests and I had to fight Jacques The Scratcher in Knight's Court. So I fought him and when I beat him I was surprised at my prize:
I got a Frog pet! O:
Here is what it looked like when it hatched:

Pagoda Gauntlet

As some of you might know, Kingsisle came up with a new gift card called The Pagoda Gauntlet. It includes:

  • 5000 Crowns OR 1 month subscription
  • Rickshaw Mount
  • Shaolin Monkey Pet
  • Dragonbite Bow (9 tiers)
  • Cowl of the Sentinel, Tunic of the Sentinel, and Sandals of the Sentinel (9 tiers)
  • Midnight Sun Pagoda Furniture Item

What I think is really cool about this card is the Midnight Sun Pagoda. It is a furniture item that is actually a dungeon. You put it down at your castle and it has a dungeon sigil which you can go in. Go to the link above to learn more.
Anyways, the other day I was in the arena and I saw someone with the new mount. Here's what it looks like: (Christopher LegendSword is my other character)
The Pagoda Gauntlet is available at Walmarts and Targets in the U.S.

Our New Icon

Since Autumn is a new member of The Wacky Wizards Show, we had to make a new icon. Well, here it is:
Left to Right: Seth (Alex's brother), The Super Sorcerer, The Terrific Theurgist, Sabrina RubyTail (My sister), and Autumn (The winner of the auditions)

Seth's Job

Since Seth didn't get the job for co-host on The Wacky Wizards Show, he has been upset. So me and Alex decided to give him a job, but we cant decide on which job (Monkey Butler, Co-Assistant Secondary Manager, or The Guy Who Just Stands There). So we want you to decide! You have 30 days to vote in the poll near the bottom of the page for which job he gets. DO MONKEY BUTLER!

The Results Are In!

If you have an account on Legends of the Spiral, or have read The Super Sorcerer recently, you might know that today we were holding auditions for The Wacky Wizards Show. Me and Alex started the Wacky Wizards show a while back. We mainly fight bosses and do other "wacky" stuff (See what I did there? :D). So after we finish, we put it on Youtube. We have already had 2 successful seasons and have started working on our third one. We accepted my sister, Sabrina RubyTail into the Show but we still needed another host for Season 3. So we had auditions to find a temporary co-host. Anyways, only one person bothered to show up (Thanks a lot you lazy old people) so we pulled in Alex's brother, Seth. We decided that Autumn (The person that showed up) should be the new co-host. But me and Alex battled her to test her pvp skills. The match was, me and Alex VS Autumn and my sister. By the way, Autumn is level 80 and my sister is level 11. We ended up winning (Surprise surprise) but still decided to give her the job. Dont believe that a level 68 and 52 beat a level 80 and 11? Well look at our photographic evidence...........:

Saturday, July 28, 2012


                                                             HI EVERYBODY. 

                         You might not know me because I am very new at this, but some of you might know The Super Sorcerer. He has told you about Alex LifeBlade (His cousin) right? Well that's me! I have decided to make a blog just like his. So if you follow my blog, make sure you follow his too! Here is the link to his blog: Also, here is my icon: