Alex LifeBlade- The Terrific Theurgist

Alex LifeBlade- The Terrific Theurgist
I'M the one who edited this together, so that's why it's kind of, well, not exactly the BEST editing..

Saturday, September 29, 2012


The Super Sorcerer and I recently finished Mooshu! I might have set a record because I got there at level 36, and he got there at level 37. Also, (I've never seen this before) me and Alex got to fight Cyrus Drake at the same time. Don't believe me? Then read this hidden message by highlighting it and look at the pictures! Hidden message: YOU STINK!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Fire Tower Glitch

I found this cool glitch with my cousin in the Fire Tower in Ravenwood. Here is how to do it:
Step 1: Go into fire tower (Obviously.)
Step 2: Walk in front of the fire shield (Not the one with the brazier blocking it.)
Step 3: Start running into it (I suggest pressing number lock so that you keep running)
And then, your on the wall of the Fire Tower!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Total Rip-off

You guys know how the world Marleybone's theme is London, right? And that Kingsisle took "some" names from England? Well, I was looking at a map of London today, and I realized: Wow, they took a lot more than I thought. Here, look for yourself and see what I mean. (You might wanna click on the pictures to make them bigger). THEY EVEN TOOK "MARYLEBONE" FROM THEM AND CHANGED THE LETTERS!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Contest Time!!

I'm going to hold a little contest. Whoever can figure out where this is (In the picture) will win something. Post in the comments what you think the answer is. I'll give hints every week for 5-6 weeks. So good luck!

Hint Number One: I got there because of a glitch.
Hint Number Two: It is a type of house.

New Member!

We have a new member of the Wacky Wizards Show: Victoria IceGem! She is the same person as Sabrina RubyTail (My sister), but we needed new people anyways........... Lets see if you can figure out why! :D

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Epic Twin Party!

Recently, me and The Super Sorcerer had a Twin Party! We all had so much fun at the party and thank you to all the people that came! Here are some pictures:
There was about 50 people that came, so it was kind of crowded, but we still had tons of fun!

Friday, September 14, 2012


The Super Sorcerer gifted me one of the new pet packs and I got a pet called the Meow Wing. There are tons of other cool pets to get. Here's what it looks like:
It has the ability: May cast amplify

Glitch in Zafaria

I was in Baobab Crossroads and found a glitch: Go to the weapon rack with the spears. Then, turn around with your back to the rack and you will see the invisible spears.

Go to the weapon rack.
Then turn around!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I wanna work for KI D:

I recently found out that all Kingsisle Entertainment members get a mount called: Very Fast Jaguar. Guess how much speed boost it gives? 100%!!!!!!!!! Here is a picture:

Speaking of Jaguar mounts, there is a new Jaguar mount in the Crown Shop! It only gives +40% speed boost (Sorry) but it is still pretty awesome!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


THE RESULTS ARE IN!!! Thank you to all the people who voted for Seth's job. He is now our............. GUY WHO JUSTS STANDS THERE!!!!!!


Sorry that I haven't posted anything in a while. But I have a TON of new posts coming soon.